Friday, August 30, 2019


Dr. Suess...

Tonight, I attempted to read Dr.Suess's novel, Fox in Socks, see for yourself.

Number of Mistakes: 3

                                                  A Peer's Number of Mistakes: 3

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Lost in a Story...

Bibliophile. Bookworm. Book-alcoholic. Book-lover. "Quite the reader". I've heard them all.  Usually, when my close friends/family describe me. As you can explicitly see, I have a passion for novels. A few words from a wise man, George R. R. Martin, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one", this quote  in a way sums up the way I read. 

Once, I begin to read a novel I let myself be engulfed into the story-line. Firstly, I tend to paint out/visualize in my head the setting and character's introduced. Now, if the novel is written in first person, I enjoy imagining myself to the "eyes" of the narrator. For the reason, that when doing so I can develop the speaker's emotions and or thoughts while, reading the novel. In other words, it creates a close relationship with protagonist that will let me . However, if the author decided to write in third person I like to envision myself as an mere bystander watching the story unfold. In some cases, I find myself imagining sitting in front of "faceless" narrator as they tell me their marvelous story they created. Throughout the reading, I contentiously end up establishing a sort of friendship and or almost emotional connections with the characters. I feel upon doing so makes certain events in the book more significant or impactful when reading. Lastly, as the book comes to a conclusion, this the "depressing" portion of the process of reading a novel. If you read a novel you absolutely love when it finishes you sort of feel incomplete. It's like saying goodbye to close friends. But, you can always visit them. All you have to do is just pick up the book again.

My preferences? I prefer books that almost immediately catch my attention. If I begin to feel like I am forcing myself to read a novel I will simply put it down. To add on, I love to read in a quiet environment. Although,if I'm deeply buried inside a novel there could be a whole world war going on and I would still be lost in the book. Now, I typically don't look for particular genres to read. In my view, I give every a "chance" to interest. But, I find myself enjoying "coming of age" (young adult fiction), romantic, and science fiction. To come to an end, as said before I adore reading. But, I do not like being forced to read. In my view, that defeats the purpose/experience of reading a novel. You should read books that interest you or you can actually be able to break down the efficiently in my opinion.

Signing out,
Destiny G.


This Class...

In regards to a particular class of mine, I was asked:

1. What is this class about?
In terms of this class, in general it is about analyzing texts and or the English language as it is. However, it is not as simple as it sounds. The learning method of this course is called an open-source learning network. In other words, we do not follow the traditional stick to the textbook ideology. In other words, this class is about the goal to improve our writing skills, vocabulary, and analytic ability through numerous online sources and excerpts.

2. What is the easiest part of this class?
In my view, the easiest part of this class is that all "assignments" are online. There are no heavy textbooks, organized notebooks, or stack of papers we need to keep track of. In addition, we are given this sense of freedom there is no outline or rubric to this class. We are only required to spread our opinions and or thoughts.As a result, I find that portion the "easy" section in this course. 

3. What is the hardest part of this class?
Now, I think the most difficult part of this class is the asking of finding the deeper meaning behind texts constantly. At the times, the hidden message of a text just seems o stand out perfectly. But, sometimes it really serves to be a "hidden message" which I find pretty hard to analyze at times. 

4. What have you learned so far?
So, far I have learned to correctly/efficiently break down a text (tone, diction, syntax), I do not have right to my opinion, and how to expand on my perspective/opinion. 

5. What is your Big Question?
My Big Question is, Why are high school students under the obligation to study all subjects even if they are irrelevant to their desired major/Profession?

Signing out,
Destiny G,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


What is a Hacker?

The aforementioned, Conscience of a Hacker, and the mind behind it, The Mentor.  Now, what was The Mentor's message? After analyzing the text, it has been shown the Mentor is trying to covey the message that hackers are misconceived and or misunderstood. In other words,  the author is stating people tend to think/judge hackers wrongfully . Typically, when we hear the word "hacker" we immediately associate it with a tech. master that uses their skills in an illegal manner. Correct? Well, that's not what the Mentor thinks as well as I think. So, let's break down exactly how The Mentor conveyed his message in the short essay. 


Firstly, the simple word choice of the author. The Mentor used profanity, educated vocabulary, and basic vocabulary in his text. The use of profanity created a human connection to the audience. Furthermore, the writer was taking the risk to include curse words in his sentences to show his readers the emotion felt about the topic. In addition, initially the writer uses basics words. This brought a youthful feel to the writing. However, moving further into the essay the word choice drastically switches to a more sophisticated vocabulary. Now, this was to represent the intelligence the writer obtains. In review, The Mentor created a humane connection, representation of intelligence and youth with his selection of words/phrases. 

Syntax & Tone 

Secondly, The Mentor used repetition and first person point of view in his writing. In the text, the word "Damn kids...they're all alike" is repeated constantly the essay. This repeated sentence format helped show the author's attitude throughout the text. The Mentor's tone was shown to be frustration, annoyance, and anger. The repeating words implicitly contributed to revealing the frustration The Mentor feels about the assumptions of hackers. Moving on, the first person point of view helped the readers actually feel and or see how the life of hacker really is like. Hackers are quickly judged to be "criminals". But, in reality they're are simply exploring their curiosity. As the Mentor, states the hackers are those intelligent beings who crave the unknown but, are punished for doing so.

Coming Together

How does all the concepts expressed above covey the author's message? Well, in simple terms  the diction help create the human sympathy portion (relate-able emotions), the syntax revealed the reality of hackers (why hackers are not criminals), and the tone showed the annoyance/cry out to make the readers realize the reality/truth of the misconception.To restate, hackers are not some rebellious kids or "criminals". Hackers are those outliers that need the satisfaction to be curious or to finally not know the answer to everything in their path. In conclusion, The Mentor effectively used his vocabulary, words/phrases placement , and attitude in the text to emphasize his message of the misunderstood hackers.

Signing out,
Destiny G.


Breaking Down Writing.

  • Diction= word choice of author
  • Syntax= the way the author arranges the words/phrases
  • Tone= author's attitude towards, the audience, topic, or the characters 
  • Simple word choice 
  • Profanity- to establish human connection (willing to take the risk)
  • "Rule-breaking to sophisticated 
  • Older audience 
  • Vary syntax! -prevents boredom 
  • Tone: caring, frustrated
  • How does all these components get the theme/overall message through to the reader?



This morning, I read a short essay. Well,  I guess we can call it that. Although, short it surely made a mark in my view. The writing was titled, The Conscience of a Hacker, the author called themselves,"The Mentor". At first, I thought the author was being a rebellious teen or person simply defining how he became a hacker. However, when I read it second time searching  for the sole purpose and or theme of the writing. Unexpectedly, I found a deeper understanding of hackers. 

In the end, I realized out I had the whole concept of a hacker completely wrong! The Mentor gave me the opportunity to enter his world to better understand what a hacker really is. So, maybe you should let The Mentor do the same for you as well.  

The Mentor's World:

Signing out,
Destiny G. 

Monday, August 26, 2019


Behind the Scenes...

Throughout our lives, we constantly memorize things without even noticing. So, you think we would be professionals at memorization.  Wrong! Typically, when we are ordered to or asked to memorize something it seems as if our memorization skills completely hide way. As a result, we find it difficult at times to memorize things in general. However, there are memorization techniques that come handy. Recently, I was assigned to memorize two poems, Richard Corey, and, The Laughing Heart. Here's how I did it!


Firstly, I repeatedly read the two texts. Over and over again. Night after night. This works efficiently because at some point it just sticks to your brain. In addition, if i would constantly miss a word I would repeat it again and again. To summarize, repetition will annoy to the point where you will remember. Trust me!


Secondly, I recorded myself reciting the poems. More than once if I may add. If any mistakes were made I would start all over again. I feel as if listening to myself made it sort of easier to remember the lines. For the reason, that it wired my brain to think I already stated the lines before so I can just do it again sort of feel to it. In conclusion, this technique brought confidence to recite the words and phrases. 

Signing out,
Destiny G. 


Our Peers...

The well-known word, strangers. Now, the definition of a stranger is  someone you are unfamiliar with. Now, we all know that awkward feeling we get when we are in a room filled of people we don't know.  The environment is quiet, and boring almost. Therefore, it is important to know your peers in order to create a positive environment/community. 

Firstly, you need to get over that awkward/quiet stage of meeting someone new. You must breakthrough that wall talk about interests and anything really. Once doing so, the environment will drastically change to a comfortable place where you feel free to express your thoughts/opinion without any hesitation. For the reason, that you have the reassurance you won't be judged by the people around you.

Today, I participated in a "treasure hunt". I was given a list of peculiar tasks people do and I had to attempt to match them with the people in the room. As a result, I got to know my peers. At some points, I was shocked to find some people really do not seem to be who they are by their looks. To conclude, get to familiar with people you will spend  lot of time around! Whether its at work, school, and or community. It will change the "feel" of the environment significantly.   

Sunday, August 25, 2019


Be on the look out...



Now, whenever I write my main purpose is to make myself understood. I strive to convey my message/opinion through my writing to you, the readers. So, hopefully I make myself clear. Recently, I was asked to find the reason to why we ask fewer questions as we get older. After minutes of thinking, I concluded that it was because when we are older we are under the impression that we know everything. In addition, the people that tend to ask questions usually have a number of qualifications, wealth, and the simple urgency to do so. Next, I was asked what questions would I present if I was wealthy, motivated, and free to speak.

My big question would be: Why are high school students under the obligation to study all subjects even if they are irrelevant to their desired major/Profession? For example, I strive to be a lawyer? So, what is the purpose of me taking calculus and physics. Will those subjects help me succeed in my career choice? In other words, I find it unnecessary to study all academic subjects in high school. In my view, the current school system in lace right now treats us students like caged animals. "You must take this, this, and that in order to graduate!", we all heard that before. This school system forces s to take classes we may not be very successful in which "cages" our overall intelligence and creativity most of the time. Therefore, I do not like and or agree with our school system of today. Do you?  

Signing out, 
Destiny G.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


The Search for the Truth. 

For numerous years, several people  have been almost "brain-washed" by the infamous slogan, "I have a right to my opinion". Since, the slogan is used so consistently we just perceived the words to be true. In regards to human rights, being entitled to your opinion does not adequately meet the requirements. To start off, a right is something that belongs to you that other people must abide by. Now, I don't recall any law/amendment that forces us people to let you bear your own opinion. In gist, it is not mandatory to let you keep your opinion if I desired to I can attempt to  change your opinion with reasoning and or evidence. Therefore, how can you have the "right" to your opinion? Secondly, there is no law that requires people listen to your opinion. As a result, I can simply choose to be ignorant and ignore your stance without any conflict. Lastly, the slogan is typically used to end a debate when the losing stance is it too stubborn to admit their fault. In other words, people use the phrase as a safety net almost to catch their mistake in an argument. This implicitly represents that people constructed this false entitlement in attempt to cover up their fallacy. Therefore, whenever this saying is quoted it creates a greater distance in the road to discover the truth in an argument. In conclusion, you are not entitled to your opinion, the slogan is pointless and rude almost. So, take all the stated above into consideration the next time you hear the well-known saying.

Signing out,

Destiny G.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


My Stance

In a recent post, I briefly talked about an argument presented in James Whyte's novel, Crimes Against Logic, which was whether or not being "entitled to your opinion is a legitimate right.  The author strongly expresses that he does not believe in the whole "entitlement" portion. In addition,like I said Whyte features strong explanations and reasoning to as why he feels that way. Therefore, as I mentioned before I found myself agreeing with his stance.

Although, initially I found myself skeptical about not having a right to your opinion. At first, I connected having a "right" to your opinion to the first amendment, freedom of speech. In my view, I thought it was a major contradiction to the amendment to state someone is not entitled to their opinion. But, after taking time to understand the author's points made to support his side of the argument. My perspective changed rather quickly. In addition, in my view I feel some people may be immediately offended by Whyte's statement and blow it off completely, confused, simply ignorant to  hear out the author's argument. For the reason, that when it comes to people expressing their opinions they tend be significantly sensitive about it being contradicted and or "teared down".

After analyzing the text, my perspective on this agreement is that being entitled to your opinion is really not a right at all. Why? This shall soon be discussed.

Signing out,
Destiny G.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


The Rights to Your Opinion

This morning, I found myself listening to a discussion about our, "rights":

  • What is a right? →Something that belongs to you, is backed up by LAWS*
  • "I am entitled to my opinion/ Well, that's just your opinion" = Ends arguments/Makes the search for the truth harder 
  • A Right= something a person must honor                                                                                                      Ex. A pedestrians right of passage
  • Having an opinion→doesn't require someone to feel, think, and or agree 
  • My opinion is worthless unless it is understood by someone else! 
  • Friendship/Love= "Modern" Part of brain
  • Limbic area(part of brain) = logic/reasoning 
  • Gentle on the people HARD on the problem! 
  • MUST have evidence to back up your reasoning
  • Dollar bill is MEANINGLESS→Significance is it's symbol of agreement 
  • En Loco Parenti= Legal principle that allows school staff to take the positions of "Parents" 
  • Use your power for GOOD
  • Syllogism= Simplest form of argument 
  • "Don't judge me"= Common saying to end an argument 
  • Bodies= GOOD judges 

Signing out, 
Destiny Garcia

Monday, August 19, 2019



Today,  I was involved in a Socratic seminar. The main focus was love. Hereon some notes/points I stripped away from the discussion:

  • We crave to have someone special for ourselves→for support*
  • There isn't a particular definition for we seem to create our own as we experience it 
  • Why does love makes us human and or is seen as a human trait? : 

  1. First emotion we typically feel (when we are born) →from the person who carried you for 9 months
  2. It is a EMOTION (in general)
  3. We represent it with hugs & kisses Ex. A Baby 
  • Allowing love= Vulnerability→FEAR!!!!
  • Why are people do bad at loving?→ in relationships to only fill an lonely void, trust issues, & simply not understanding love
  • Can you still hurt someone even if you love them?→Yes Ex. Lying to protect them but, take it the wrong way
  • If someone cheats is it still love?→No, its lust

Signing out,
Destiny Garcia 


First Impression...

The infamous slogan, "You are entitled to your own opinion", was taken into deep consideration by the author, James Whyte. In his novel, Crimes Against Logic, he starts off introducing the topic about the irrelevant/false rights in his view. Whyte uses that discussion to introduce his stance on being entitled your opinion is not a right at all! Initially, when I first read this presented argument I was caught in a wave of shock. Since, the slogan is constantly used, I just thought it to be true. However, the author uses strong reasoning and explanations to make me understand his argument. 

Secondly, I discovered something interesting. While, reading James tells us that we can use that "saying" in a correct manner and state,"I am entitled to my opinion and here's why",. This was interesting to me because it made realize that there seriously is a correct way and incorrect way to use the phrase regarding your opinion. The correct way being you expand on your opinion by explaining why you think that and back it up with evidence/reasoning. In contrast, the wrong way being that you simply just say,"That's just my opinion", and simply stop there. Overall, Whyte really opened my eyes to the slogan discussed above.

To conclude, this is what I gathered from reading this excerpt: Whyte is a persuasive writer (in my view), a new perspective on "rights", to strengthen any statement back up with reasoning, and lastly take time to analyze common sayings/phrases there might not be as true s you thought. 

Signing out,
Destiny G.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


7th Grade English Honors...

The word, "Socratic". Anytime I hear or view this particular word I find myself  back to my 7th English honors classroom. It is 8:30 am, the bell has just rung, I am seated in my designated desk. My eyes wander the room until, the white board captures my attention. Written on the board was, "Socratic Seminar". I without doubt despised these sessions in class. For the reason, that my classmates would ask simple-easy answer questions. We would never really go into depth of any of the topics we were studying at the time. In terms of the responses, they were vague or in other words plain in my view. My fellow classmates would only ever agree or disagree or my favorite,"Awesome observation!". At times, it seemed even my teacher would zone out of the discussion. As a result, while reading this text about the Socratic method, I cannot confidently say my mind processed every word/sentence written on that post.

In the end, I do not think it was anyone's fault for the discussions in the seminars being so boring. I think it was more or less because we never really got to bring up those "big life changing" questions. The teacher had a lesson plan to follow and us students followed right behind. So, hopefully this semester will change my view on the word "Socratic". Now, whether or not this search for "truth" with questions and responses will drive me to be the "top rat". I mean I have always had that strive to want to be the best or be at the top. But, I cannot answer this question confidently without experiencing this socratic method in this certain point in time. 



Recently, I've been asked to read/memorize a poem, titled, "Richard Cory", written by Edwin Arlington Robinson, and it opened my eyes. At first, the lines were simple almost meaningless to me  and the emotion of confusion engulfed my body. I did not understand the purpose to why I was ask to read this text. Then, finally I reach the last two lines. That changed it all. The lines were, "And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head", this was a significant turn in the poem. The story begins with the description of an perfect-like man he was rich, kind, skilled, and is placed at the top of the social structure of his town. But, all of those lines of descriptions were only written to mask the truth and or message of the poem. Furthermore, the surprise suicide of Richard Cory is to represent that looks and or actions can be deceiving.

 Overall, the central purpose of the writing was to depict the message that wealth/social status don't ensure someone's happiness. So, if you ave time I suggest you take a listen or read the poem online if you prefer that option.

Signing out,
Destiny G.



Throughout our lives we continuously memorize things without even noticing it. Like, our way back home, song lyrics, class schedules, certain characteristics of people, and so on. But, normally the only time we actually remember the process of  memorizing something is when we our asked to do so. Typically, in school. I've just finished reading an article, titled, "Training Like a Memory Champion", and it was an interesting read. The article went into the depth of how are brains' memorize using the topic of mnemonics. In addition, the text provided specific methods for a specific subjects. For example, there were methods for memorizing names and numbers.If you're ever struggling to memorize anything I recommend you take some time to read this article. Before you go, remember whenever we our asked to memorize something there is always a purpose behind it. Don't just blow it off as pointless. 

Signing out,
Destiny G.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Two Perspectives in One

To start off, I am no professional writer nor am I an author. But, that does not mean I do not have numerous waves of creative thoughts or opinions thrashing around in my head. Even though most people in my position tend to be restricted of their full potential and or ignored in general. Moving onward, let's discuss the infamous topic, high school. The place where people are trapped in a campus scattered around in their own separate groups. Now, we all know the typical high school stereotypes there's the athletes, the nerds,  the outsiders, and the so called, "popular" students. As for me, I seem to be some type of configuration of athlete and nerd. Therefore, I am here to introduce you to the "best of both worlds".

So, the best traits of an athlete: social, strategic, disciplined, focused, determined and lastly competitive. Now, keep this in mind as we continue on. Overall, athletes are always tied to the usual stereotype; they got athleticism but, are missing the intelligence portion. No matter how many times students athletes prove otherwise, they are constantly pulled back into the stereotype. For example, if an athlete attends an ivy league school or any university in general people assume, "Oh, they only got in  here because they're good at that sport", or,"They're only here to make the sport department look better". In some cases, that may be true but it's been shown that student athletes tend to receive both academic and athletic scholarships in one. Athletes are more than just their sport!

Next, nerds are depicted as the antisocial, brilliant, hardworking, and quiet people. Once again, take note of these traits as we move forward. Furthermore, the stereotype for this category is they got the brains,  but nothing else whether it being athletic skill or popularity. Throughout the years, "nerds" are the people that read all day, always do homework, never socialize, and so on. These T.V. shows and movies contributed to help pave the way to this typical stereotype. But, these people are more than just their brains!

In the end, I am athlete and I have achieved academic excellence in my high school career so far. I am a nerd and I am the well known captain of my school's wrestling team. As a result, I got the best of both worlds. For the reason, that if you combine the traits described above about each stereotype it creates a strong character. Let's take a look, from my athletic side I've gained the ability to socialize, concentrate with ease, commit, and compete with others if needed. This fills in the weak spots in my "nerd" side. To continue, my nerd personality obtained me the will to be intelligent, manage my time, want to learn more, and separate myself from the social cloud if needed to do so. This fills in the missing characteristics in my athletic side.

In conclusion, I look forward to sharing my thinking and stances with you the people. From the perspective, of not only from an athlete's , but an intellect's as well. I hope you take interest in what I, an athletic scholar, have to say and or simply think.

Signing out,
Destiny G.