Saturday, May 23, 2020

J.E: 5/18-5/22

May 18-21, 2020

If school opened up tomorrow. I feel that I would want to go. My heart is saying yes but my head is saying no. We cannot know for sure that all Santa Maria High School staff and thousands of students are safe to be around other people. You never know. So, no I would not go back school. Trust me I really do want to trust that my fellow classmates and I will be safe but there’s no guarantee. No reassurance of our safety. 

May 22, 2020

If I am being quite honest I am not a sandwich person. I am a picky eater after all. I know, tragic. There is really only one sand which I eat. And to me it’s the best thing in the world. Especially, after weigh ins at tournament. A simple peanut butter sandwich. Yes, no jelly just peanut butter. I’m weird but, I’m pretty sure this has been established beforehand. I mean there is not much to go in detail in about this sand which so let’s talk about it’s memory to me. The sand which was my favorite to eat for lunch or at anytime really. It holds a special place in my childhood. 

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